Monday, 15 February 2016

Understanding the art of being remarkable

This is not a post about being remarkable in life or some self help kind of advice, this is something that will make you realize how you can perceive the word "remarkable" a bit differently and more importantly how you can utilize that perception in improving your products and spreading your ideas to more and more people. Also I will give you examples of how I implemented this thing in psycho store myself.

When someone says that something is remarkable, the first thing that comes to mind is something that is considered to be superior in its class, but what we fail to realize is that how remarkable can simply mean something that would force a person to make a "remark" about it. Something that would make the user feel 
"Hey wait, this is something different!", so that he/she can later on tell his/her friend
"You know that thing was different from what it was supposed to be." and that's how your product will advertise itself through word of mouth.
I am not saying that your whole product needs to be remarkable, the key here is to make the experience of using the product remarkable. You have a finite set of interactions that the user will do with your product, now its up to you to make something happen in that interaction due to which it will get registered in the user's mind. The reason being that the user already has a set of expectations from your product, which comes from comparing your product to your competitors. Now a positive effect of getting noticed will be possible only in the case of you exceeding those already set expectations, failing which a remark may be generated but which will obviously be negative for you or majority of the time no remark at all. Let me explain what I mean by giving examples on how I utilized this myself when working on psycho store.
So Psycho Store being yet another eCommerce clothing site, is bound to generate some fixed assumptions which the user have acquired after using other clothing sites. Now our job is to surpass those expectations in order to get the users attention. We just can't afford to remain plain old same, especially in the startup world.
For eg: Now keep in mind that psycho store is a brand that focuses on gaming/anime merchandises. So during checkout, when the user will be expecting to apply discount code, he/she will notice that there is no option for a discount code, but instead it asks for a "cheat code", which will obviously strike a special chord in every gamer, and just by its side, there is a button named HINT!, you take your mouse over to that button and it says "What is the Konami Code?" Now if you remember the Contra's 31 lives cheat code, then well and good otherwise you google the code, do some trial and error and voila you get 10% off.


Now imagine the happiness in the users mind, he must be feeling as if he has unlocked some mystery or solved a puzzle just like he/she does in a game. Now simply by being a little different (in a better way) we managed to connect with the user's mind in a way that will make him remember us and narrate this experience to his friends who share similar interests.
Another example will be the confirmation mail that the user is expecting to get. But in psycho store along with the usual confirmation mail, you get another mail, once you start reading it you realize that its a short story with a cliffhanger ending and in the end it's written "The Story continues on your next order". The best part was when I myself saw two people talking about psychostore in Instagram comments, saying "Did you get that short story in the end, that was so cool." and the other person replying how "he loved the thank you sticky note inside the box" Now this proves that these memories stayed with them and made a positive impact on their mind. Now there are tons of other small things that we have added as well, like adding a small hand written thank you sticky note in the box or the packaging box itself which is a cylindrical box and not the usual polythene bags. 
Showing some sales statistics on the site like the last order with a graph showing from which state most orders come or which game's merchandise sells the most, now the user is not used to getting this kind of information from similar sites, so when something like this happens, it makes the user alert and take note of it. Now I can either tell you all these things that we have implemented or you can go and experience it yourself, which in my opinion will be a better thing to do.
The point that I am trying to make here is that it is not necessary to do exceptionally big out of the box things, you can achieve it by focusing on the small details that make up your whole experience. Now another important point to be kept in mind is that all these things need to gel together as a whole and should not feel like an odd one out thing, like we added the cheat code thing because we focus on gaming merchandises, if we were selling formal shoes, then cheat code won't have made much sense.
Now imagine running naked down the street, it will surely get you noticed and a lot of people will remark about it right, but does it accomplish anything?
With the multitude of options and information overwhelming our brain everyday and reducing our attention span, there is just no more room for being average anymore.

So go out and do something that's worthy of a remark. I will highly recommend this video by Seth Godin to understand the idea much better and to gain some new ones as well.

Friday, 23 December 2011

Koenig Lookup/ Argument -Dependent Lookup

Koenig Lookup/ Argument -Dependent Lookup

lets suppose the following scenario -->

//Trivial namespace for testing purpose
namespace test

class A { }; //Empty Class
void f(int x) {  cout<<x; } //simply ouputs the integer value passd
int f(A obj) { cout<<"OBJECT"; } //Prints OBJECT and takes an object of class A


int main()
//Inside main() i make a simple function call

Now what will happen is that the compiler will search the global/free functions for 

similar signature, but wont find one because there aint one. The function 
void f(int x) is the namespace test and is inaccesible there until we use 
using namespace test;
Now if i add a function 

int f(int x)
{ cout<<x; }

int main()
//Inside main() i make a simple function call

just before main() i.e in the global region, then the compiler will find a match when 

called through main(). This is all so simple and obvious, isnt it?
 Now a similar case -->

//Trivial namespace for testing purpose
namespace test

class A { }; //Empty Class
void f(int x) {  cout<<x; } //simply ouputs the integer value passd
int f(A obj) { cout<<"OBJECT"; } //Prints OBJECT and takes an object of class A


int f(test::A obj) { cout<<"ANOTHER OBJECT"; } //Similar to function inside namespace

//but this one is just in global scope

int main()
//Inside main() i make a simple function call
test::A obj;

Now what will happen in this case. the obvious answer would be that global f() would be 

called and ANOTHER OBJECT will be printed. but heres the truth guyz, the compiler will 

deflect slightly from usual name-lookup and will use another kind of name-lookup because 

the parameter you passed to the function is an object of a class/structure.
This kind of name-lookup is called KOENIG LOOKUP/ARGUMENT DEPENDENT LOOKUP.
and it would lead to an ambiguous call, the compiler would get confused between
test::f(A obj) and global int f(test::A obj)
although theres no using directive used.

The compiler will follow this rule --->

"If the parameter passed to a function is an object of a class/structure then the compiler 

would also include those namespaces in which that class/structure or its object is 


Well you would be thinking that whats the use of namespaces then, the namespaces are 

still functional and continue to serve their purpose, but this is just one rare case in which 

the compiler crosses the namespace boundary.
This kind of lookup called KOENIG LOOKUP was named after Andrew Koenig who nailed 

its proper definition.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Using pimpl idiom C++

The Infamous pimpl idiom C++

Pimpl standing for Private Implementation is a famous C++ idiom  particularly popularized in Herb Sutter's Guru of the week column (
It describes a way for hiding your class's private members,by making them invisible from your Header file. Remeber this fact that whenever compiler sees your class, it only sees the header file (.h) and not the implementation file (.cpp). So what this basically does is that it removes all your private members from your header file(.h) and adds them to your implementation file (.cpp). Additional advantage of this technique is that it makes your class immune to changes meaning that you dont need to recompile it again and again if you change the private memebers. Also it keeps you public interface clean, and the client programmer doesn't need to be aware of you private members. It achieves this by using an opaque pointer, which is a pointer to a forward declared class or structure.

struct B_impl; //Forward declared structure
class A {
B-impl *my_Impl; //Opaque pointer

Here Structure B-impl is only forward declared so the pointer my_Impl is an opaque pointer.
Now lets jump directly into action and see how pimpl is implemented :

This is our class :
//file A.h
//So many header files increases compile time :(

class A
B objB;
C objC;
vector vlist<D>;

Now lets implement pimp idiom --->
//file A.h
//What happened to all the header files.....??
strcut pimpl; //forward declared structure 
class A
pimpl *my_impl; //opaque pointer to implement pimpl

//file A.cpp

strcut pimpl
B objB;
C objC;
vector vlist<D>;

So this is how we implement pimpl :
1. forward declare some structure/class
2. Make a pointer of that strcutrure/class known as opaque pointer
3. Declare all the private members in the .cpp file inside the structure/class.

Now the big question is that what should go inside the pimpl strcuture/class....??
Remember some basic points in mind while designing pimpl idiom.
---> Take all your non-virtual private members (variables + functions)
---> Never take protected members, because they were made protected at the first place so that the derived class can see them, if you hide them then whats the point of making them protected in the first place...??
---> Make your pimpl structure/class exactly as your class A would have been and make your class A just as a plain easy to use public interface with forwarding functions.

But finally the question arrives "was the pimpl implementation worth the pain..."??
the question will always depend on the programmer who is implementing it. For what class he is implemeting it.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

How to reduce compile time dependencies

How to reduce compile time dependencies

The main culprit behind compile time dependencies is the huge amount of header files that are included by the compiler. Header files that are required in the code will obviously be added, but some programmers out of just habit include some useless header files as well. For eg :
In this code few header file will not be reqired

//Header files:

claas A {

B *obj;
C *obj;
 virtual std::ostream& print( std::ostream& ) const;


From the above code we can remove B.h and C.h straight away and use forward declaration instead of includeing those header files. Now what the hell is this FORWARD DECLARATION...??
Forward declaration is when we just declare and dont define.
Suppose we are just using references or pointers to B or C, then we can get away with forward declaration and dont need to include the header files.

  class B ; //Forward declaration only no need to include
  class A {
      B* fPtrB ;
      void mymethod(const& B) const ;
  } ;
But if we derive from B or C or uses objects of B or C, then we need to include their header files.

#include<B.h> //Header file included
  class A : public B{
  } ;
  class C {
      B objB ;
      void mymethod(B par) ;   

Also we can remove #include<iostream> as well, dont be confused with the word stream, its not necessary that whenever you encounter the word stream you include <iostream>.
Here ostream is used and when can use #include<ostream> only and it will suffice.

So after clearing all the unwanted header files, heres what our code looks like :

//Header files:


claas A {

B *obj;
C *obj;
 virtual std::ostream& print( std::ostream& ) const;


One more thing we can do here is that we can use <iosfwd> instead of <ostream>,
what it will do is forward declare all the necessary things for ostream.

Some of you might also be wondering that whats the difference between function prototype and forward declaration.

In writing a function prototype you don't need to define parameter names, just their data type will suffice
int add( int, int );
but in forward declaration you need to specify their name as well,tough both will fulfill you requirements.

1 more thing that might interest you guys is that, think what will happen when you only declare the function and don't define it and then call it.........???

int add(int a, int b)

int main()
cout<<"Sum of 5 and 10 is "<<add(5,10);

return 0;

We have declared add but never defined it and also used it in our code...
So compiling will succeed but linking will fail and it will give error unresolved external symbol.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

How to move something in games c++

Movement in game programming

I will be explaining you the basics of movement in 2D Games. Its a very simple concept which anyone can implement in their respective framework after understanding the basics.
Its done by repeatedly calculating new position from the previous coordinates. Its pure 2D vector maths, so u should be familiar with that also. So now here the is the formula known to Game programmers as

New position = Old position + Speed * Direction

This is the basic formula which makes anything move in games.
If you want to move something in X direction, simply

sprite.x = sprite.x + sprite.speed * sprite.direction;

Similarly to move in Y direction :

sprite.y = sprite.y + sprite.speed * sprite.direction

For eg:
You have to move a bird from one side of the screen to other, in X axis only. So you set the starting coordinates to lets suppose (-10,0), set up its speed ,suppose 5 and direction 1 .
 Now lets apply this formula and move the bird.
bird.x = bird.x + bird.speed*bird.dir;
In the first frame:
-10 + 5*1 = 5
Next frame
-5 + 5*1 = 0
next frame
0 + 5*1 = 5;
and so on.....

So bird will first be rendered at (-10,0)
in the next frame (-5,0) then (0,0) then (5,0) and so on......this will give you an illusion of movement of the bird.
If you want to make it move in the opposite direction simply take direction as -1.

Now lets suppose you want to make it in a certain angle.
Simply move in both directions
Simultaneously change its X and Y co-ordinates.
Now lets get into VECTORS.

Like in this image you want to get to a specific point like you have to move from A --> B
Then A will have some cordinates and it will be a vector, similarly B will be another vector
So now we have co-ordinates,speed but we dont know the direction, for that
 B - A = C
Normalizing that vector C will give us the direction, which we can then use in our movement fformula.

The point to remember is that if A has to move to point B, then
B - A will be done, if B has to move to A,
then A - B will be done.
To make it even more useful and realistic you can include more variables like

Try this thing by actually coding it up and get first hand experience. An explaination including actual code will follow soon.